
Saturday, September 7, 2013

5th Grade - Hide the Word - February - "Roll the Blank" dice game - Romans 15:1-2

“We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. 2 Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up.  Romans 15:1-2 

This is an in class game and is SUPER fun!!! To make, copy the game board, which is simply six blanks and a verse reference.  This is another game that can be used for virtually any verse in the Bible.   You can copy on card stock and laminate or simply copy of plain paper. If it is laminated, then the kids can use dry erase markers to write on the game board and then play over and over.  If you copy it on plain paper, the kids would take it home that day.  

Before class, divide the verse into 6 phrases.  Write one phrase on each face of the the cube.  We used 1 inch cubes that were purchased in a value pack bag at Hobby Lobby.  You may want to consider 1.5 inch cubes if you have big handwriting.  You will also need to sue the ultra fine Sharpie marker. 

In class, the kids roll the dice.  Then they write the rolled phrase on the corresponding blank on the game board.  They keep rolling the dice and filling in the blanks until the verse is complete.  If they roll a verse phrase they already filled in, roll again.  

This is what I call "sneaky learning."  The kids say the verse no less than 10 times while doing this game.  That kind of repetition makes it "stick" in your brain and writes it on your heart!

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