
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Praise God!

As adults, we take for granted that we know how to praise God.  Think about it: HOW do we praise God, and HOW did you learn how to do so?

The elders tasked us with teaching our children Revelation.  Yikes!  A difficult task for anyone, but to bring Revelation to a 6 year old level required brain stretching.  What did we want our little ones to learn about Revelation?  God won the fight?  Heaven is a wonderful place?  Jesus is Lord of all?  We certainly didn't want to introduce new vocabulary like "prostitute."   Or cause nightmares in one of our sensitive souls. 

So, we're praising God.  All throughout the book, the saints, elders, 4 living creatures, and the heavenly host are gathered around the throne in heaven, praising God.  Can you imagine it!  It gives me chills, and it gave Kim chills, and we want it to give our little ones chills, too. 

Over the next three Sundays, we're going to be teaching our children praise vocabulary using song book songs, children's songs, Psalms, and key verses from Revelation (there's the tie-in) to teach our children how to praise.  We will post pictures and lesson plans as I write them.  For now, here's a letter we wrote and sent to the parents and children in our class:

Dear parents of our wonderful first graders,

This Sunday and for the next two Sundays, we will be studying praise. We are going to be discussing who praises God, what we do when we praise God, what words we use to praise God, and why God needs to be praised. It’s a lot to cover, and we would love your help to reinforce these ideas at home. Today we looked at two song book songs that discussed praising God. We also looked at Revelation 4: 5, 11 and saw the four living creatures praising God. Next week, we will again look at a song book song and Psalm 100 to see what words are used to praise God and why we should be praising Him. Next, we will use our new skills to write our very own Psalm of praise to God. We will also look more closely at Revelation 5 and the praise vocabulary that is presented to us in that chapter.

We will have homework for the next two weeks. That sheet is attached. We are encouraging your child to make praising God a natural part of his day. We hope that as we enter this season of Thanksgiving, this will help your child understand that all blessings come from God, including his Son.

Learning to praise God is so exciting, and it’s a skill that needs to be developed. We hope you will partner with us in teaching your child this valuable skill.

In Him,

And the homework sheet:
Praise: To tell God how great He is

Praise: To thank God for all He has done for me.

This week I praised God for two things every day.

Monday: 1. ____________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________

Tuesday: 1. ____________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________

Wednesday: 1. ____________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________

Thursday: 1. ____________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________

Friday: 1. ____________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________

Saturday: 1. ____________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________

Sunday: 1. ____________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________

When you bring this sheet back on Sunday, you will get three extra stickers. We can’t wait to read your praises to God!

Love, Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Daesha

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